Insurgent allergens are still heavily engaged in their attacks. They’ve gained a new ally, pictured below. I found this one sneaking around on base, just across the street from the BX. I don’t know how it got through the front gate. It must have been well disguised. Intel hasn’t come up with the name of the new intruder.

Friday I spotted another suspicious group hanging around the parking lot at LM. Seems this particular sect quietly invades the undergrowth near its host, slowly creeping further and further up the local canopy all year long. It then engages in the tactic known as a Spring Offensive, waiting for the weather to warm up and then erupting in full bloom. Intel reports have identified this newest enemy in the War on Pollen as Wisteria.

Yesterday I drove back to Stone Mountain. (Fran and I went there when she was here on Spring Break...which reminds me I need to write about the places we visited while she was here) There was a car show going on in one of the exhibit areas featuring muscle cars. It was being put on by Year One, a company that has grown considerably from the last time I looked at one their catalogs. Seems like you can almost build a complete 1967-69 Camaro these days, almost from nothing. That’s quite a change from the last time I scoured a junk yard, looking for some small body or engine part. So it looks like it will be easier to re-build the Camaro when I start that project. Whenever THAT will be.
Some inspiring photos from the car show:

Today’s recommendation: The Art of Shaving. The company (especially the sales people in the brick and mortar stores) have an air of arrogance, but their shaving stuff is pretty good. But holy cow...expensive! I got a splashy DVD that teaches me how to shave using their products I purchased yesterday. I think I’d prefer saving some money and skipping the whole DVD experience.

Friday I spotted another suspicious group hanging around the parking lot at LM. Seems this particular sect quietly invades the undergrowth near its host, slowly creeping further and further up the local canopy all year long. It then engages in the tactic known as a Spring Offensive, waiting for the weather to warm up and then erupting in full bloom. Intel reports have identified this newest enemy in the War on Pollen as Wisteria.

Yesterday I drove back to Stone Mountain. (Fran and I went there when she was here on Spring Break...which reminds me I need to write about the places we visited while she was here) There was a car show going on in one of the exhibit areas featuring muscle cars. It was being put on by Year One, a company that has grown considerably from the last time I looked at one their catalogs. Seems like you can almost build a complete 1967-69 Camaro these days, almost from nothing. That’s quite a change from the last time I scoured a junk yard, looking for some small body or engine part. So it looks like it will be easier to re-build the Camaro when I start that project. Whenever THAT will be.
Some inspiring photos from the car show:

Today’s recommendation: The Art of Shaving. The company (especially the sales people in the brick and mortar stores) have an air of arrogance, but their shaving stuff is pretty good. But holy cow...expensive! I got a splashy DVD that teaches me how to shave using their products I purchased yesterday. I think I’d prefer saving some money and skipping the whole DVD experience.

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