Apr 26, 2008

The Goracle: "Let them eat biofuel"

Food Crisis Starts Eclipsing Climate Change Worries
Gore Ducks, as a Backlash Builds Against Biofuels



di said...

wow! 400 lbs of corn to make 25 gallons of ethanol. that's outrageous!

r of randf said...

yep...there's a good movie on our (local) cable tv called "King Corn". it tries at times to be ultra-hip, but it is an independent movie so what do you expect.

anyways, you would be stunned to learn what has happened to food from the corn point of view, and how "farmers" are making money on the "family" farm these days.

it also gives a good explanation to why EVERYTHING we eat now has HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) and why the world is getting fat(ter).

trailer at http://www.apple.com/trailers/independent/kingcorn/trailer/

di said...

hhhhmmmm.... makes ya think! and oh, by the way, you are just so ahead of the times. this is one of the lead stories on foxnews this morning! and you got me talking about it with my friends yesterday, so now they think I'M ahead of them too! :)