Nov 26, 2008

Why is watching hippies cry so much fun?

Caution--do not eat or drink anything while watching this clip...unless you like food and drink coming out of your nose while you laugh at this:

Embedded Video


di said...

wtf is that about?

r of randf said...

who knows? they are sorry for hurting trees. of course they probably printed out a google map on paper in their wood-sided house surround by lawns that were planted on top of lots that were stripped bare of trees before they wood framing went up. but that doesn't matter.

nor does it matter that their leather shoes used to be part of a cow as was the leather seats in their "earth friendly" hybrid cars.

but they have to make it up to the trees.

you have to wonder, if a tree falls on top of a bunch of eco-kooks in the forest....can you hear the bones crunch?