Dec 21, 2008

Waiting for Hollywood, NYT, ACLU, BDS, Moveon outrage

My Way News - China blocks access to New York Times Web site

China has blocked access to the New York Times Web site, the newspaper said Saturday, days after the central government defended its right to censor online content it deems illegal.

Computer users who logged on in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou received a message that the site was not available when they tried to connect on Friday morning, the paper said. Some users were cut of as early as Thursday evening, it said.

The Web site remained inaccessible from Beijing Saturday.

No real loss for the Chinese people with good literary taste, but I am waiting for the standard litany of outrage at President Bush...because he is the world's biggest threat you know. Nevermind actual losses of civil rights and loss of media control and true oppression from the Chinese gov't or truly oppressive regimes in Africa or the Middle East.

No, the ire of "liberals" is reserved for our own government who is only accused of maybe/possibly/reportedly transgressing freedoms, based entirely on unsubstantiated rumors from unnamed sources with no real proof. Not to mention there have been no screaming headlines of anyone actually being "disappeared" off the streets due to "domestic spying" or mass arrests of "subversives". But rumor and hysteria alone are enough for people to rally in the streets of west/east coast elitist-towns and yammer incessantly about impeachment. If you don't demand impeachment, you're not very trendy, not part of the in-crowd.

Meanwhile in the real word, governments are really torturing, really attacking, really starving, and really stealing the rights of their people. In our country if someone who makes $30K per year can't afford a new Mercedes and a $500K home, it's Bush's fault and he is the country's worst president.

Just ask Robert Redford, Barbara Streisand, Rosie O'donnell and other political geniuses. Just don't ask them about what they think of the Chinese government. Real oppression is just too messy to deal with and doesn't sound as cool in the headlines--especially in China.


gatosmom said...

Well, I never have been part of that "trendy, in crowd"

di said...

it's strange, but your blog is the only place i heard about this, 'til i went searching! it wasn't headline news. i wonder why?