Jun 4, 2009

It's my Birthday, but the government got the "gift".

This is what it costs to have a vehicle in York County Va. The vehicle doesn't even have to do anything, just sit there. And this is just the fee for 1/2 of the year.

The county government's take on it is that we're getting a break b/c the state of Va pays 50% of the tax on cars on our behalf. But if you have a boat, trailer, motorcycle, we're going to screw you...er...tax you on the full value.

Realize that this is not a road use fee, a wear and tear on the asphalt fee, a cleaning up the roadside litter fee, but simply a "fee" for owning something. The nicer the thing, the more the government thinks you should pay.

Taxation for operations? No. Class warfare? Yes.

I feel like I need a cigarette...b/c I certainly got screwed.

1 comment:

gatosmom said...

How much do you have to pay if you take walks instead of driving?