It's actually a huge watercooled windtunnel. This is a pretty bad picture from the phone, but it was an amazing sight this morning in person, the water was going everywhere and the sun was shining through the mist in a really pretty way.
So when they fire this thing up, it makes a huge amount of noise and water is cascading off of the thing like a minature Niagra Falls. You have to shout to be heard when you're close to it, and the waterfall has a big mist cloud around it, even more-so when the temp is low and humidity high. So loud roaring noise, water spraying everywhere...Dragon's Shower...get it? Duh.
Even when I get my clearances to work on the F-22, I probably won't be able to see this thing in action from the inside. That's because these days, even more clandestine things are being tested behind the high security doors and razor wire than 5th gen fighters. No one outside the "black" projects have a schedule, you just know the evil spies are at work when you walk out to your car and hear the dragon taking a shower. What program is the government working on here, something that will be used to torture their citizens, something that the Neo-cons have been cooking up to use on the "dissenters" to squash rebellion? Something Orwell predicted? What evil is it?
NASCAR! Yep, all you "sky is falling" liberals put away your "Impeach now" signs, b/c NASCAR is the supersecret organization at work here. They rent time in the tunnel to test their designs and are extremely tightlipped about it all. That stinkin' F-22 badge won't get you past Bubba and company when they're busy testing their car!
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