Mar 24, 2007

Mar 23 - Marietta Hostage Crisis - Day 74

I am under attack. My nose hurts, my head hurts, my eyes are watering. This innocent looking cherry tree near the hotel front desk looks suspicious.

I think it is spying on me, reporting to its flowery friends that I am an outsider and vulnerable to a coordinated allergy attack. They know I am isolated and I have no intel on what indigenous plants are in the area, so they meet at night and plan the next day's attack on my senses. They hope that a constant bombardment of pollen will wear down my defenses and force me out of their stronghold.

So far there is great damage to my vehicle, a black rental car. I should have known that this car would stand out from the local vehicles and highlight me. The local insurgent plants attack the car every night, and my black car is now pockmarked with fine pollen dust. What used to be black is now a powdery yellow.

I feel sorry for all the innocent locals caught up by the untargetted pollen. The nightly local news broadcasts the daily pollen count and the daily toll on the populace. But I have made it clear to the insurgent plant leaders, despite the collateral damage I will not leave until my tasks are done.

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