change | ch ānj|
the act or instance of making or becoming different : the change from being a nobody in Illinois to becoming an somebody in the White House for no apparent reason | see "change the change we are changing"
• the substitution of one thing for another : deceitful democrat for placating marxist.
Greek, from αυτό που είναι εσείς που καπνίζετε and αυτό είναι αυτό που καλείτε αλλαγή "what the hell are you smoking?" and "this is what you call change?"
yup. change by surrounding himself with clintononians. putting the morons that got booted out kicking and screaming (and leaving claw marks on the walls as they were drug out..) back in the white house. what can she manipulate as sec of state? sigh...i guess the change is everything old is new again.
DON'T DO THAT! the pics here nearly caused me to have a coronary!
Hillary needs to have some lessons on how to look "diplomatic" instead of like she's auditioning for a freak show!
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